About Us
Yellow Rose Bouquet
Of special note is the Yellow Rose Bouquet that He has given them through The Yellow Rose-Strong Oak Society in the form of individual birthday card campaigns. Each campaign is titled a Yellow Rose Bouquet, at the time of presentation.
God's Blessing
They have been given to The Yellow Rose-Strong Oak Society as gifts from God. It has been our pleasure to serve them. The joy we have received from the blessings God has allowed us to bestow upon them has been immeasurable.
The Idea
The idea is to present every “Wisdom Tent” (85+ in age) with at least the number of cards that equals their chronological age. For example, the genesis of this love fest began with Sara Mitchell Parsons, who turned 96 on April 12, 2008. While she received 126, another person may have received a minimum of cards or the number of cards equaling their age.
TimeSlips Certified
TimeSlips is an international network of artists and caregivers committed to bringing joy to late life. Their mission is to bring meaning and purpose into the lives of elders through creative engagement.
The Yellow Rose Strong Oak Society collaborates with TimeSlips. They are one of the many organizations that help us fund our organization.